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The Dreamer Page 2
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“I’m Michael and that is Joe.”
“This is how this is going to work. There are guards all around this house. If you try to flee, you will be shot. You might live. You might not. Michael, when your parents pay the ransom you will be released.”
Jose will show you to your rooms. The man in the suit disappeared, and Jose spoke English.
“This way,”
Michael and Joe followed the captor upstairs, down a long hallway until they arrived at two separate bedrooms.
“Michael this is your bedroom.” Jose said and opened the door. Michael walked into the room and Jose shut the door.
“Your room is here.” Jose opened the door and motioned for Joe to enter. Joe walked in and Jose followed.
“What is your name?”
“I’m Joe,”
“Why did you tell me the story about the Suburbans?”
“I had a dream about it. It seemed real. I believed it would happen.”
“You had a dream?”
“Who were the men?”
“I don’t know.”
“You didn’t know them before you were captured?
“No, I didn’t…only from the dream.”
“Huh, stay in your room and someone will bring food later. Don’t leave.”
Joe took an inventory of his surroundings. The room had to be three to four times as large as a college dorm room. He had a nice 4 post queen bed and a separate sitting room. Joe sat on the couch in the sitting room, not sure what to do. He sat there with his mind numb. At some point the door opened and food was brought for him. Joe ate and someone came and took the food and the dishes. Joe watched as the room began to get dark and the sun began to set. He found clothes in the dresser, took a shower and went to bed.
The next morning, Joe got up dressed and sat back on the couch where he had sat the night before. He expected there to be food brought in as the same as the night before, so he waited and waited, but no food was brought. Finally, there was a knock at the door. Joe didn’t know what to expect. No one had knocked before, so Joe sat in the sitting area and did nothing. A few moments later, another knock at the door. Joe walked cautiously to the door, and opened it.
A young beautiful woman, stood outside his door with the meal cart.
“May I come in?”
The young woman pushed the cart inside, and Joe closed the door behind her.
“I hope you like eggs and bacon.”
“I’m Mária,” she said extending her hand.
“I’m Joe.”
“Nice to meet you Joe, you look a lot like your friend.”
“I hear that all the time. People think we’re brothers.”
“Yes, it why you’re here.”
“Will I get to go home?”
“I don’t know. I heard about your warning the guys. Curious why you didn’t let them get caught.” Mária took Joe’s hand and led him over to the couch. Please sit down so I can serve you.”
Joe took his cue and sat on the couch. Mária took the large round silver covers off the platters. She grabbed a dish from the tray and placed a healthy portion of eggs and bacon on the plate. She handed the plate to Joe and poured him a cup of coffee. She poured herself a cup of coffee and joined him on the couch.
Joe ate cautiously trying not to spill any food on the ornate couch. Mária sipped her coffee and did not interrupt him. When he finished, she took the plate and refilled both of their cups with coffee. She sat down on the couch.
“How do you fit in around here?”
“I’m the daughter.”
“And your dad trusts you in here with me?”
“There are guards everywhere. If I raise my voice this room would be flooded with guards and you would be on the ground. I’m in no danger. What were you studying in college?”
“Political science,”
“Huh,” she replied.
“Do you go to school?”
“I have been homeschooled since a kid. I finished high school when I turned fourteen, and I hold two bachelor’s degrees in English and Nursing.”
“Is it safe to assume you don’t work?”
“I do things for the family.”
“Is this the first time you have had a prophetic dream?”
“Prophetic, I didn’t think of it like that. I had the dream and it scared me. In the dream, I died with the other men.”
“I’m surprised they believed me.”
“Despite what you may think of how my family makes money. We are a religious group, and with that comes a certain amount of superstition.”
“Are you superstitious as well?”
“I have a better education than anyone here. I studied all the basics sciences for my nursing degree with emphasis in chemistry and biology as you can imagine. I see the world through more realistic eyes, but I never interfere with the archaic superstitious beliefs of those around me.
If you put no weight in what I’m saying, then why does it matter to you.”
“Because it came true…one guy stayed behind off in the distance well hidden from the house. The Suburbans arrived like you had predicted. They had guns and came in shooting.” I’m not a believer in dreams nor am I superstitious, but I can’t explain what happened and I’m intrigued as well as those in this house.”
“Will I get to leave?”
“Don’t count on it. For now, you’ll be treated well, but be careful that could change at any moment.”
“I’m stuck here.”
“Will I get out of this room?”
“I don’t have those answers, it’s not up to me.”
“What about Michael?”
“His parents paid. He leaves tomorrow.”
“I’m surprised kidnappers would honor such an agreement.”
“Religious and superstitious. Be careful what you say around everyone else. They will not be as understanding as me. Take care Joe, watch your back.”
Mária took the food cart and exited the room. Joe sank deep into the chair not sure what would happen next.
Chapter 4
Joe woke up and looked out his window. The sun had crested above the horizon. Off in the distant, Joe could see fields that stretched farther than his eye could see. He could see a few people walking down the rows. He wondered what crop grew there. Joe took a seat on the couch and waited. At around 8:00 am there was a knock at the door.
“Come in,” Joe called.
“The door opened and Mária walked in with his breakfast. She looked stunning this morning. With her short skirt and tasteful blouse that hung neatly from her shoulder. Letting her woman hood show.
Joe watched her while she placed his breakfast on a plate. He noticed how long supple her legs looked. It looked as though she had spent hours on her hair already this morning. Joe wondered about her life. A beautiful young woman, who is the daughter of a drug lord, what guy would want to take her out on a date.
Joe thought about Chloe. A girl he had met. He wondered if there could have been something there some type of spark. He doubted he would ever see her again. He doubted he had made the impression on her that she had made on him.
Mária handed the plate of food to Joe. Joe took a deep breath and captured the smoked bacon taste in his mouth. He picked up the piece of bacon and took a bite savoring the taste in his mouth. Joe wondered when she had come whether this would be his last meal.
“Waffles today too? I hope this isn’t a final meal.”
Joe poured the small vial of syrup over his waffles. He cut into them with his fork and savored every bite until he was done. He continued to eat until the eggs and bacon were completely gone. Mária refilled his coffee cup twice while he ate.
After he finished, she placed the plate and utensils back on the tray, and took a seat beside him.
“I didn’t want to say anything while you were eating, but this is a sort of a last meal. You are being moved to a diffe
rent section of the house.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you will become one of the servants that works in the field.”
“Works in the field?”
“You will learn how to tend to and cultivate the coca plant. You will be provided a daily ration of food. If you want to eat, you will work.”
“For how long?”
“Once a servant, always a servant, you will never leave. If you prove yourself to be a good and faithful servant, then my father will pick a woman for you to bear children. I’m sorry Joe, whatever your life would have been in the United States that life is now over. If you try to run and escape you will be hunted down and shot.
I feel bad for you. I wish this had not happened to someone as nice and kind as you seem to be, but it has and now you are stuck. Do your best to do as you are told and everything will go well for you here.”
Joe sat stunned. He could not comprehend what he had heard. For the past few days, he had feared for his life, and now he would live out his life among criminals. Joe felt bewildered and shaken.
For the first time since they had met, he felt Mária’s hand touching his. She stood and pulled on him so that Joe stood up. Then what happened next, he did not expect. Mária wrapped her arms around Joe. He reluctantly returned her embrace, and they held each other close.
Mária broke free from him, but held onto his hand. She interlaced her fingers into his and looked into his eyes. “Listen to me, Hulo will be in charge of you. Do not cross him. He can make your life difficult. I will try and get you a better position. I will talk to my dad, but you have to be patient. Mária pulled him close and kissed Joe on the cheek. She then let go of his hand and Joe watched her as she worked to regain her composure. She disappeared into the bathroom, and reappeared a few minutes later.
“Come with me.”
Joe walked behind her trying to remember where he was going. This was his first time out of the room since arriving. He walked down the ornate staircase. Mária placed her delicate hand on the staircase as she walked downstairs. She walked with a superior air. At the bottom of stairs Joe met what he assumed could only be a butler. The butler gave a short pause and a slight bow as Mária passed. Joe looked as he walked by and thought he could see his lip turn slightly into a snicker.
Joe followed--taking in the house. He walked to the back of the house and out onto the large deck. Mária stopped at the end of the porch. “Do you see that building down there?”
“What is that, a half mile away?”
“I don’t know, but yes, it is a walk. Make sure you walk straight there. Hulo is expecting you. When you get there, you will see a small office at the front. Hulo will be waiting for you there. Be careful and be safe. I hope I will see you again. Now go.” Mária said and turned away and walked back into house. Joe watched her go and began the journey through the yard.
Joe noticed how clean and lush the grass was. He wondered if anyone walked on it. Dread filled him as the large white building and his future lay before him. What did it mean to be a servant, forever? Joe saw the door to the office. He didn’t stop, but walked up to the door and stepped inside.
Joe laid eyes on a large man sitting behind a small desk. The old wooden desk contained deep groves. The rest of the room contained several filing cabinets and no other furniture. The walls were a pale white color, and appeared as though they had not been painted in years.
The large man behind the desk worked without looking up. Joe couldn’t be for sure, but he guessed the guy must be around six foot four. He had broad shoulders, and huge arms. Joe understood why he had his job.
After several long agonizing minutes, Hulo looked up. “Joe”
“Come with me,” Hulo said in broken English. Hulo stood walked out the door in a rush. Joe did his best to keep up. For a big man, he walked at a fast pace. Joe now noticed that the building was long. They walked backed to the edge of the building, and Joe followed Hulo into a rear door. The door opened to a small entry way with two separate doors.
“Men here, women there—Don’t go in the wrong door.” Hulo walked in the men’s door and Joe followed.
The quaint tightly packed had a row of lockers that faced the door. Hulo walked to the locker on the end, and opened it. Inside the top to bottom locker held several uniforms. Joe could see two pair of shoes in the bottom, and on a shelf at the top he could see socks and underwear.
“Strip down naked and put on your uniform with the tennis shoes.”
Joe felt subconscious, but what choice did he have. He undressed while Hulo waited.
“Put your old clothes in the trashcan there, you won’t need them anymore, and follow me. Over to my right are the showers.” Hulo walked into the next room, which appeared to be a large living room. “Here is where you can relax, watch TV. As you can see the other door there leads to the girl’s locker room. Don’t go in there.”
“As you can see this room opens up to the dining room, and there is a door back there that leads to the kitchen. You are not allowed to be dirty when you come to the table and eat. You are required to take a shower before lunch and the evening meal. This week you will be working in the fields and then you will be into the rotation. You will have cleaning duties, outside duties and cook duties. The most important duties are with coca plants. That is the livelihood of this farm. Respect the Coca plant. Hulo took off walking and Joe followed. He walked through another door which opened to a large room with bunk beads. Hulo walked to the end of the room. Joe counted 10 bunks total all in a line.
“You will be on the top.” Joe reached up and touch his bed with its attached nameplate. The bunks are in seniority order with you being the newest member. The most senior guys are on the bottom bunks towards the front of the room. As you move up over time your bunk will move up towards the front of the room. Then you start at the back of the room on the bottom and move towards the front. Don’t make enemies.
Hulo pulled a small radio out of his pocket, “Hector, come to the locker room.”
“Now to work…Do you remember how to get back to the locker room?”
“I think so.”
“Go there and wait for Hector.”
Joe walked back to the locker room wondering what would happen next. He began to get nervous when Hector didn’t appear for some time. Joe began pacing the locker room floor. He did not want to do anything wrong. He considered leaving and looking for Hulo, but then though better of it.
Finally, the door opened and a small man walked into the room.
“You Joe,”
“Come with me.”
Joe followed Hector out. They walked down a dirt path that Joe guessed was well traveled. A few minutes later the trees opened up to fields as far as his eye could see.
Hector stopped at the edge of the closet field. “Pull beeds?
“I don’t understand.”
Hector dropped to his knees and pulled a small piece of grass from beside the large plant. “Pull Beeds?” he said again.
“Oh, pull weeds.”
Hector got up from the ground, and Joe got on his knees and began pulling weeds. Hector stayed for a moment then disappeared. Joe kept pulling weeds inching down the row on his knees.
Chapter 5
Sarah paced the room. She put her hand to her mouth and started to bite her nails, but then thought better of it.
“Stop pacing.”
“I can’t help it. I haven’t seen him in a week.”
“Do you think Joe will be with him?” Chloe asked.
“He didn’t say. He wouldn’t give me any details over the phone.”
“You just met him,” Sarah said with disbelief.”
“What does that mean?”
“Come on Chloe, you met him and had a drink and a dance. I have been with Michael for two years.”
“Michael should be here any minute.” Sarah said to deflect the conversa
tion away from her.
Before Chloe could reply, there was a knock at the door. Sarah leapt towards the door, and threw her around Michael while he stood outside. Michael held her for a brief moment then eased into the living room shutting the door behind him.
“Hi Chloe,”
“Glad you are home. I thought Joe might have come with you.”
“I wish he had. You two should sit down.”
The two girls looked quizzically at each other. Sarah sat on the couch and Michael joined her there, while Chloe took a seat in the recliner. Then Michael begin.
“As you know Joe, and I were taken captive during the party. We were blindfolded and stuffed in a vehicle and taken away to a secluded house. We stayed part of the night before being moved again and put on a plane. They must have drugged us, because when I woke up I was in another vehicle. Shortly, after I woke up, we arrived at a large mansion. I stayed there for several days before returning home.”
“Why did they let you go?” Chloe asked.
“My parents paid the ransom.”
“What about Joe?” Sarah inquired.
“My parents tried to pay the ransom, but the captors refused.”
“You mean that Joe is still there.” Chloe said horror stricken.”
“Yes, I’m afraid so. My parents tried their best, but if they didn’t stop the negotiation with my captors for Joe they were going to keep both of us. I feel horrible, and I don’t understand why they kept Joe.”
Sarah put her arms around Michael and held him tight. Chloe begin to cry and said a little prayer for the young man she barely knew.
Chapter 6
Joe worked around the field and although he had never pulled weeds in his life he was happy with his progress.
Later that day, Hector reappeared, “Lunch Señor.”
Joe tried to stand. He flexed his legs his knees sore from being on them for so long. Hector did not wait for him and Joe had to catch up. He guessed he did not want to be late. He caught up to Hector just as he entered the men’s locker room. He saw two other older men in the room.
“Wash up.” Hector stripped off his clothes down to his underwear. He threw them in the bin and washed his arms in the sink. Joe followed suit and did the same thing. They both redressed and Joe followed them to the mess hall. It seemed they were the last two there. Joe took a seat near Hector at the end of the table.