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The Dreamer Page 3
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Hulo stood up said something in Spanish and then the men began filling their plates with food from the table. Joe wasn’t sure what filled the table, but it appeared to be some type of burrito. He doubted it was, but he cautiously put one on his plate. He raised it to his mouth and took a nibble. It tasted a bit bland to him, but he knew he needed to eat.
Hector picked up something round and slapped it on Joe’s plate. Joe didn’t know what to think, but he felt obligated to eat it. He grabbed the fork, and broke off a piece and took a small bite. To his relief it tasted like a potato. It was better than the pseudo-burrito he was eating. He cut the potato in half and what looked like hamburger spilled out onto his plate. He took a cautionary bite and to his relief it was hamburger or at least it tasted like it. Joe devoured the potato, and began to reach for another one when Hector grabbed his hand. He looked at the uneaten burrito on his plate, and Joe caught his meaning. Joe forced himself to eat the remaining bit. He then took a drink of the liquid that filled the glass in front of him. To his surprise, it tasted like wine.
After lunch, Joe followed Hector back out to the fields where he began pulling weeds again.
Chapter 7
3 months later.
Joe stood in Hulo’s office not sure what to expect. He had not been in the sparse office since his first day. He believed he had done well. He had learned how to care for the coca plant, and how to make it into a good paste before being turned into cocaine.
Hulo sat behind his desk writing. “I hate to lose you, but you have been asked to return to the house. You will be in charge of the house servants. How is your Spanish?”
“Do you remember how to get to the house?”
“Go to the back porch and someone will meet you there.” Hulo motioned him away with his hand and. Joe had become accustomed to his daily work activities in the field. He wondered what had caused the change. As Joe reflected over the past months, part of him was surprised that he was still alive. He arrived to the back porch and waited. He did not know how much time passed, but to his relief a familiar face appeared from the house.
“Joe, you have lost weight since I saw you last. Did they not feed you?”
“Yes, I have never done that much manual labor. It didn’t seem to matter how much I ate, I still lost weight.”
“Hulo has reported that you were a good worker. That made it much easier to get you brought back to the house. Father was reluctant, but with Hulo’s good report it became easier.”
“Hulo mentioned something about being in charge of the house. What does that mean exactly?”
“Your duties will be explained to you in time, right now you need to come with me.”
Joe didn’t argue. He had learned that respect for those in authority was a highly-valued trait here at the plantation. He followed Mária giving notice to the way she walked. The long dress that came nearly to the floor flowed around her and made Joe wondered if he would see her she her legs again. They arrived at the entrance to what seemed to be a different section of the house.
“I’m not allowed to enter this section of the house. This is the servant wing. Men and woman both share this wing and you are expected to conduct yourself in a wholesome manner. It is no different than when you were working in the fields. There is to be consummation between men and woman without they are married and that is only with my father’s approval. Your room has your name plate attached to it. Here is the key to your room. I would recommend locking your door at all times, even when you are in the room.”
“Do you have any questions?”
“I assume I need to change clothes.”
“Yes, shower and change and then return to the front sitting room where you first came when you entered the house. I will be explaining your duties. You have half an hour. Don’t keep me waiting.” Mária commanded.
Joe caught the smell of her perfume. He lingered outside the wing and breathed deep her scent. He then returned to his senses and entered the servant wing. He didn’t know what to expect, but shock filled him when he opened the door. After being in the bunk room for these past months, the large ornate hallway struck him as out of place. He walked the hall looking at the names. He did not have to walk far until he came to his room. He found the room locked. He used his key and entered. The room reminded him of his room when he had stayed in the main part of the house. He checked the closet and found nothing but suits. “I guess this is my uniform.” Joe knew he could figure the room out later. He needed to shower and get dressed. He took a quick shower and found socks and underwear and put on a suit. He found matching shoes under the bed. He remembered his key and locked his door on the way to the main sitting room.
He arrived a few minutes later. Mária sat on the couch and Joe stood in the room awaiting instructions.
“You made good time. Come sit down beside me.”
Joe sat down, and she opened a large manila folder, and handed a sheet to Joe. “This covers your basic duties. You are in charge of ordering food, clothes and any supplies that might be needed by anyone in the house and any of the staff. You are in charge of event planning. We have guests on a regular basis, and you are in charge of planning the food, entertainment, and anything that might be required. You are also in charge of schedules for the staff. We have a rotation for those who are to be on the night shift. My father expects the house to be run with precision. He doesn’t want to worry about anything. If my father wants anything, it will be your job to make sure it happens as quickly as possible. What questions do you have?”
“How did I get this job? Why me?”
Mária looked at him. She bit her lower lip and stared at him hard, but did not speak.
“What are you not telling me?”
“There are people in the staff who wanted this position. Some here thought they were more entitled to it than you, and they are probably right. Be careful, don’t trust these people you work with. Remember they work for you. You are in charge.”
“I did a good job in the fields, but why did I get promoted to this position.”
“I need you to promise me that you will never repeat what I am about to say.” Joe shook his head yes. “I got you this job. I interceded to my dad for you. I tried to bring you back to the house right after you left. I feared for you when you were in the fields, but you survived better than I expected. After my constant pestering, my father relented and decided to bring you back to the house staff. It was my decision to promote who I wanted to for the head staff position. I do not interact with the other staff; however, I work closely with the head of the staff. I am the one who brings the family concerns and issues to the head of the staff. If there is a party to be planned or whatever the issue maybe it is my responsibility to be the liaison between the family and the house staff. It will be your duty to carry out my orders and get the wait staff to do as they are told.”
“What is my schedule or my daily routine?”
“You will meet with me at least twice a day. We meet around 10 am and discuss anything in the morning that did not go well as well as events of the day. We also meet around 7pm to discuss the evening and the next day.”
“I feel a little overwhelmed.”
“I think that is normal. After a few weeks, it will not be so difficult. Most things are routine. Once you get the feel of the job, I’m sure you will be fine.”
“What happens if I get stuck? I’m guessing I can’t go roaming through the house looking for you if I have a question.”
“Roaming is not allowed. You have a small office off the main kitchen. In your office is a computer and a phone. I have a pager that I keep with me all the time.”
“A pager…really, that is kind of old technology.”
“Maybe, but we are not to be talking on the phone like friends, nor is texting allowed between the family and the staff. If you need to consult me, then you will page me and at my convenience, I will mee
t with you. Under no circumstances, are you to abuse this privilege, do you understand?” Mária said in a stern tone.
“Of course,” Joe replied cautiously.
“It is important we always conduct ourselves in a professional. With that being said, if there are no guests in the house, I will be at your disposal. Tomorrow we will be having guests for supper. I have a list of things that will be needed. I realize this is your first day, and I’ll be available. Start in the kitchen and make sure you have everything you need for the evening meal.” Mária stood and Joe followed suit.
“Where is the kitchen?”
“Down the main hall and turn left. The service entrance has a blue door. Carl is the chef.”
Joe nodded and then left. He walked down the hall saw the door to the kitchen and entered. He saw two large stainless steel tables as he entered the room. He walked into the room and then turned left. He saw a large man bent over looking in the refrigerator. Joe cleared his voice.
“Can I help you?” the man said as he turned around and shut the refrigerator door.
“I’m looking for Carl.”
“You must be the new manager.”
“I am, and you speak good English, no accent.”
“That’s because I’m from Virginia.”
“We can discuss that another time. There is a party tomorrow and you need a list of things to buy. Have a seat over there and I’m almost finished.”
“Mária mentioned I have an office.”
“Yes, it is back by the walk-in freezer.” Carl said while pointing to another area of the kitchen. Joe walked back to his new office. He saw a large metal door. He opened it and a rush of cold air came out. That would be the freezer, which would make this hole my office. Joe looked in the small room, which had a small desk a computer, phone, and file cabinet. Joe took a seat, and turned on the computer. He saw a file on the desktop labeled personnel files. He opened the file. A list of names appeared on his screen.
Chapter 8
Five pm and Joe checked his bow tie in the mirror. He could feel the sweat droplets running down the back of his t-shirt. He doubted it would be noticeable from the jacket. He stepped outside his room and checked the thermostat in the hall. It was seventy-two degrees in the house. He knew his sweating stemmed from his anxiety.
Joe strolled to the kitchen and checked with Carl. Everything seemed to be in place. Joe went out to the vestibule area to await the arrival of the guests. After a few minutes, Mária joined him.
“Is everything in order?” She asked.
“I think so…look the cars are pulling in.” Joe gave a nod to the butler who opened the door. Joe could see from the open door two vehicles had parked and six individuals had exited. Raul and Estrella exited the first vehicle. They looked distinguished. He guessed that Raul must be around sixty and his wife maybe 10 years younger. They were followed by their oldest son Richard. Then the three daughters. Angi, Ana, and Arlssa.
“Welcome to the González house Señor López.” Joe proclaimed, Senoir López looked at Joe but didn’t speak. Joe watched the family file in one by one and he guess it was by age order. Mária took over and led them to the main sitting room, where the butler served drinks. Joe kept his distance and oversaw the party. Twenty minutes later the González family entered the sitting room and the Lopez family stood to greet them. Except for the dad, and Mária, Joe had never seen the rest of the family.
Señor González the family into the room. He dressed much like the first time they had met. He had on a similar pin-striped suit. Then Joe caught sight of the woman close behind him. At first Joe thought it was Mária, but then he realized was the step-mom, Serenity. She was as beautiful a woman as Mária and about the same age. He wondered what had happened to Mária’s mom. Next Anita who looked to be not much older than 12. The brothers were only distinguishable because of the color ties that Mária had picked out before. He knew the older brother Anderson wore the blue tie, while his younger brother Thomas wore the red tie. The boys were both the same height and had the same dark hair, and a certain cocky attitude to the way they walked. Joe knew he was no different no so long ago.
The fathers shook hands and the wives sat down to talk while the children congregated in one area of the room. Joe noticed that Serenity, the step-mom kept stealing glances his way. Joe stepped away to check on the kitchen and its preparations.
Joe found Carl in the kitchen eating a cookie. “Why are you eating?”
“Because I am the chef…everything is under control. They will sit and chat before they are ready to eat. You need to go back out there and Mária will tell you when they are ready to eat.”
“I’m nervous about this. My first dinner party.” The López’s come over almost every month, and they have already had the biggest shock, which is seeing a new guy in charge of the house…relax, there is very little you have to do.”
Joe turned and walked back to the front room. He found the families the way he had left them. Joe stood in the distance and watched. Joe observed what would happen. He couldn’t make out the conversations. His Spanish had improved, but he still had trouble ease-dropping.
After twenty minutes the families moved to the dining area. Joe hurried back to the kitchen to find Carl and the wait staff already serving the family. Carl looked over at Joe.
“I know this is your first dinner, but the rest of us have done this many times. Go sit in your seat in the corner in case something is needed.”
Joe considered arguing with Carl, but then thought better of it. He walked out of the kitchen and back to the dining room where he took a seat in the far corner of the room. Joe watched patience. He was never so happy to desert being served. Then out of the corner of his eye he noticed movement. When he turned his head, he saw Martha waving him over.
Joe sat there not knowing what he should do. His duties required him to be available for the dinner party, but he also had responsibilities for the staff. Reluctantly, Joe went to the Martha.
“What?” Joe asked in a quiet intense voice.
“Hulo needs to see you on the back porch.”
“Can’t it wait until the dinner party is over?”
“No, he said it is urgent. Señor González will want to know right away.”
Joe had never known Hulo not to be a straight shooter. He wondered if he was being set up. Being pulled away from the dinner party. Joe had an uneasy feeling about this.
He opened the door to the back porch. Hulo stood there ringing his hands and sweating. Joe thought he looked sickly.
“Hulo, there is a dinner party tonight. What is the problem?”
“I’m sorry Joe, but I had to tell you. You must get Señor Gonález to come here and talk to me.
“They are still eating. Are you sure this important enough to disturb the dinner?”
“Joe, please don’t delay.
“Hulo, what am I supposed to tell him?”
“Tell him it is a matter of family integrity.”
Joe rung his hands not sure what he should do. Hulo had always been good to him, never deceptive in any way.
“I’ll be right back.” Joe walked back towards the dining room. The warning that Mária had given him rang in his head. Was he being set up? Joe entered the dining room. Mária looked his direction, and he could see in her eyes the question what was wrong. He wished he could talk to her instead. Joe walked to the front of the table. He leaned down to Señor González’s ear.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but Hulo needs to speak with you on the porch. He says it is a matter of family integrity.”
Joe leaned up and walked out of the dining room, and waited. He could hear Señor González speaking with the guests. Moments later he stood in front of Joe.
“Return to your seat in case the guests need anything.”
Joe returned to his seat. Mária looked at him, but turned her attention back to the table. Mária’s stepmother looked at him, and let her gaze hold on him till Joe b
egan to feel uncomfortable. Twenty minutes later the dinner finished, and still Señor González had not returned.
The families retired to the sitting room. The butler emerged and roamed the room offering wine to the guests. Joe could sense the tension in the room. Minutes later Señor González appeared. He explained to everyone that there had been an incident with one of the workers, but that everything had been rectified.
Joe was able to discern what the father said, but he had no idea what had happened with one of the workers. In all his time in the fields, he had never know Hulo to come to the house with a complaint. Joe kept his cool and didn’t ask questions. The family only stayed half an hour before returning to their vehicles. When the family had disappeared, and everyone was gone, Joe went to his phone in his office and paged Mária. He then retreated to the spot where she would meet him. He waited for ten minutes. He had never paged her before. Joe began to get nervous, maybe he shouldn’t page this late, or something else. He waited five more minutes before Mária showed up.
“What did you need?” she said in an exasperated tone when she arrived.
“What’s going on? I have never known Hulo to come to the house.”
“Did you know Hector?”
“He is in serious trouble. There will be a family meeting in the morning probably around nine.”
“I don’t understand what did he do?”
“For now, get a good night’s sleep. That is all I can say.”
Joe wanted to protest, but he could sense Mária’s uneasiness and he decided not to push it. He simply bowed his head to her and she left without saying another word. He walked to the servant quarters. When he opened the door leading to the servants wing, he saw Rubio standing guard with his automatic weapon. He had grown used to the idea of the guards being outside with the guns, but he had never seen anyone standing guard in the hallway.