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The Dreamer Page 4

  Joe approached him cautiously. “Why are you in the hallway?”

  “For your protection.” Joe began to protest, but Rubio cut him off.

  “Get a good night’s rest. You will need it.”

  Joe returned to his room. He locked the door. Joe readied himself for bed and ten minutes later turned out the light. What could possibly have gotten Hector into such a bind. Despite Joe’s inner anxiety, he fell asleep.

  Chapter 9

  During the night, Joe began to dream. He saw the dream of when the men in the Suburban’s came to the hideout. He saw the men kill everyone like before. He watched the scene from the yard. Joe wondered why he was seeing this again. The dream didn’t come true. Everything went black and moments later he saw himself standing in the main hall of the house. He walked over to himself and entered his own body. Joe then looked through his own eyes wondering what was going on. He saw Mária step mother enter the room. She took one look at Joe and gave him a wink. She had a beautiful long red dress. She turned around and to Joe’s astonishment the back of her dress was backless. She turned her head back at Joe and pushed her lips out at Joe in the form of a kiss. She then reached her hands behind her and pulled the zipper down behind her partially exposing a bare backside. She turned her head around again.

  “Won’t you come help me? I won’t tell?”

  Joe stood where he was unable to move. He wasn’t sure what he should do?

  “No, I can’t get you to help. That’s too bad. Maybe you need a little encouragement.”

  She dropped the dress off her shoulders and then let the dress fall to the ground. Joe found he couldn’t breathe. Such a beautiful woman.

  Joe sat up in bed drenched in sweat. His breathing was rapid, but thankfully he was in his room and he was alone. The last time he had had such a dream it had come true. Joe didn’t feel comfortable telling this dream to anyone. Joe got up, went to the bathroom and washed his face. He tried to relax and calm down.

  Joe laid back down and tried to go to sleep, but found if difficult. He wondered what the dream meant, and still couldn’t figure out what had happened last night during the dinner party.

  Joe dressed early, and stepped outside his room. One of the guards stood in the door way with his weapon slung around his shoulder. Joe nodded at the gunman and walked to his office in the kitchen. He turned on the computer and checked the schedule and the supply orders. Everything seemed to be in order. He strolled into the kitchen, and sat down near the stove.

  “You’re up early.” Carl said as he came around the corner.

  “Kind of hungry this morning. Got anything I can eat?”

  “You don’t want to eat this morning. Best wait till lunch.”

  “What is going on? What has happened?”

  “Go back to your room till the meeting is called. That is my advice.”

  Joe hesitated. He wanted to protest, but instead walked back to his room. This time he didn’t nod to the gunman in the hallway. Joe walked into his room, and sat on his bed. He tried to understand what was going on.

  A couple of hours passed, before he had a knock at his door. He stepped outside into the hallway to find the guard standing near his door.

  “Everyone to the outside deck,” the guard said.

  Joe didn’t question anything, he simply walked to the back of the house near the deck. When he arrived he found the family already outside. He was the first servant there. Mária approached him, the second he stepped through the door.

  “When the other servants arrive, have them stand on that side of the porch away from the family. Make sure no one talks and no one walks away. When the ceremony is complete, make sure the family exits first. Is everything clear?”


  Mária nodded over to him and returned to stand with the family. Joe still confused stood by himself over in the open space of the deck. Several minutes later the rest of the staff arrived and he directed them to stand in their area. It seemed to him they had all done this before. He made sure to tell them to be quiet, but he sensed that would not be an issue. Last the guards stood at the back and sides of the deck.

  Several minutes passed with nothing happening. Then Señor González appeared from the direction of the worker’s house followed by Hulo, and the staff. He noticed Hector following close behind Hulo with his head down.

  The group approached until they were in the yard area not more than 10 feet from the deck.

  Señor González stepped forward to address the crowd. “It is with great shame that I have called this meeting this morning. Here at my humble house, I try to provide all my workers with security and well-being. I provide food, a place to work, and safety from others. I have few rules, and I treat everyone with dignity. Last night while guests were in my house, I had to be called away to deal with a disgusting matter. Two or our workers were caught having sex in the field. I am a generous man. In the past, I have allowed my servants to marry and continue to work here, but to everyone here, I don’t allow fornication on my property. May today be a remembrance for all who would defy me! May the perpetrators step forward!”

  Hulo and a girl that Joe had seen stepped forward. They stood side by side perpendicular to the two crowds. The silence hung heavy in the air. Joe wasn’t sure what to expect, but he kept his eye trained on Señor González. He watched as he pulled something from inside his suit. He then shot each of them three or four times in the chest. Joe could hear the quiet gasps and the air being sucked into lungs of the servants that stood nearby. He watched the horror on the faces of the people he so recently worked with out in the fields.

  He couldn’t bear to look at the two bodies. He watched as Señor González disappeared around the side of the house. The family then exited first. Joe then directed his crew to the inside of the house. Everyone retreated to their quarters, but Joe went to his office. He sat down in his chair and put his head in his hands.

  He had never seen anyone shot and definitely never seen anyone die. He began to shake from the emotional shock.

  “Still hungry,” Carl said in a dry tone.

  Joe shook his head no. “Why didn’t you tell me what was going to happen.

  “Not something I want to talk about.”

  “He executed those people for having sex. Are we living in the dark ages here?”

  “This is a religious superstitious family. I realize from the college culture you recently left this seems extreme, but here it is the norm. My advice to you—keep your pants on.

  “After that, I won’t have that issue. What happens to the bodies?”

  “The workers will bury them in the fields. Also, don’t ever bring up what happened to anyone. Talking about it is as bad as anything. It is one of those topics that is not open for discussion.”

  “I’m going to make sure my staff is doing their morning routines.”

  “Good idea, no one ever eats breakfast on days like this one.”

  Joe left the kitchen and walked through to check on his staff. Everyone he encountered as he strolled through the house kept their heads down and did not make eye contact with him. They did their work. Joe could sense their pain, and their fear. He saw Mária in the hallway. He stopped hoping she would talk or say something. Anything at all, but instead she walked past as though he wasn’t even there.

  Chapter 10

  Several weeks later, Mária approached Joe in the main foyer. “Joe, could you meet me outside on the back deck?”


  “Good, please, go out there and wait for me. I’ll be there soon.”

  Joe didn’t question her, but walked outside to the back deck. This was the first time he had been to the rear deck since the murder. Being on the deck made him uneasy. The morning air felt heavy. Joe walked to the edge of the deck and reminisced about his trek to the workers’ house near the fields. He thought for sure a few months ago he was as good as dead. His last year of college and he was missing it. He wondered how long he would be held captive in
this house.

  “It’s a pretty view.” Mária said as she joined Joe out on the deck.

  “Not as pretty as it used to be.”

  Mária ignored the comment and got to business. “There will be a guest in the house for a few days to a week.”

  “A guest?” Joe asked unclear of what she meant. “Do you mean like family coming to visit?”

  “No, an American guest.”

  Joe looked at Mária as she stared out towards the yard. He was struck by her beauty. She had let her hair grow since the first time he had met her. While he stood being mesmerized by her attractiveness it dawned on him what she meant.

  “When you say American guest, what you really mean is hostage. Someone like me.”

  Mária turned to face him. Her eyes intent and serious. “Yes, someone like you, and for that reason when the guest is here that person is to have zero contact with you. He or she will be arriving today, and if the ransom is paid then everything for that person will be fine.”

  “And if not, oh let me guess that American will get the privilege of working in the fields like I did.”

  “Don’t forget your place and never speak to me in that tone again.”

  “Am I wrong?”

  “Yes, you are. Either the money is paid or the American will die. That is the rule.”

  “Is that like the sex rule your father has?”

  “I cannot help my father’s rules. I can only abide by them.”

  “Then tell me why I’m not dead.”

  “Some things I can’t explain. Be thankful you’re alive that is all you need know.”

  Joe turned his attention back to the yard. He knew she was lying, but he believed he would not get a straight answer.

  The silence filled the air. Joe expected her to leave, but she lingered. Finally, she broke the awkward silence. “I’m sorry for ignoring you the past few weeks.”

  “No need to apologize, I know my place.” Joe said sarcastically.

  “Don’t be seen.” Mária responded and walked back into the house. After Joe left, he realized he had overstepped his bounds. Joe took one last look to the yard, but all he could see was Hector dying.

  Joe turned his attention back to his staff. He went inside and checked on the cleaning ladies to see that they were on task. He checked with the butler to assure himself that the wet bar was properly stocked. He checked the guest room himself to ensure that everything was in place. Then he retreated to his office to pass the day in obscurity.

  Moments after sitting at his office, Carl appeared in his doorway. “Got something for you.” He said and placed a bottle of wine on the table.

  “What is that for?”

  “I know about the next guy coming in for ransom, and you and I have to keep a low profile. This is to help pass the time. Compliments of Mária.”

  “Did you get a bottle too?”

  “No, I doubt she has ever got a bottle for anyone. That girl is sweet on you.”

  “I couldn’t tell.”

  “Only because there is too much of the mother land still in you. Your quick ascent to power was orchestrated by her. If not for her, you would still be in the fields. You want anything to eat with that.”

  “Yes, bacon and eggs.”

  “Coming right up.”

  Chapter 11

  Early the next morning, Joe sat at his desk prepared to pass the day in solitude when his phone began to ring.


  “It’s Mária, please meet me upstairs outside the guest room.” The phone went dead before Joe had a chance to reply. He looked at the receiver and then placed it back on the holder. Joe didn’t delay but left immediately for the second floor.

  “Be good.” Carl said on his way out of the kitchen. Joe turned to face him and Carl gave him a wink. Joe wanted to respond, but instead did his duty and walked briskly to the second floor. When he arrived, he found Mária standing outside the door where he first stayed after his kidnapping.

  “Good morning Joe,”

  “How can I help you?”

  “We have a new guest, as you already know. I realize you were unaware of this when you were in this room, but someone was stationed outside this door every time I went into see you. It is up to me who stands out here.”

  “So am I to assume I am to stay here unless you yell for help.”

  “Yes,” Mária responded.

  I thought I was suppose to keep out of sight and a low profile?”

  “Yes, you are technically, but trust me, if you actually have to come in after me, that part won’t matter anymore.”

  Joe turned to look at the door. “Are you not going in?”

  “I have to wait on Carl, and then the Butler will bring the food to the door and then I can proceed.”

  “So, any minute then,” Joe said and turned around expecting the butler to appear with the food any moment. He turned back to Mária and smiled. He noticed her calm smile. Joe felt himself getting nervous. He turned around again and then stepped over to the railing to see if the butler was on his way.

  The words Carl had spoken to him before leaving the kitchen echoed in his mind. Joe turned around to look at Mária.

  “How are your duties in the house?” Are you having any issues?”

  “No real issues. Everyone is compliant.”

  “Have you properly recovered from the incident in the yard?”

  Joe had not talked about the incident, but it had often kept him up at night. Did he reveal this to her or pretend that everything was okay?

  “Being an American by birth, I found it disturbing.”

  “Yes, never let my father hear you say you’re an American. He considers us an American, only South American, so if you refer to where you were born. You might want to stick with USA.”

  “No butler, no food, why am I really here?”

  “Like I said, Joe, you are here to assist me if I have any trouble with the new guest.” She said and lowered her head slightly and looked at him. She raised her eyebrows. “Tell me about Phoenix? What is it like there?

  “Before coming here, I was a senior in college.”

  “What were you studying?”

  “Political science.”

  “Did you want to be in politics?”

  “Maybe, my plans were to go law school after college. Looks like I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.”

  “I’m sorry. There is not much I can do about that unless you become more than a servant.”

  “More than a servant? I’m not following you, how do I become more than a servant.”

  “You would have to marry someone in the family.”

  “That would mean that I am stuck here.”

  “Yes, but that would not be all bad.”

  “After what happened in the yard, I would be scared to have sex with anyone even if I married them.”

  “It’s something to think about.”

  Joe wondered why Mária wasn’t married. Her beauty was intoxicating. Her skin had that natural looking tan that took his breath away. Joe thought what it would be like to stay in Peru and be with Mária. It was not an unpleasant thought, but he wanted to return to his home, not make a new one here. His thoughts were broken by the sound of the tray rolling down the hallway. The butler soon arrived. He left the cart and disappeared.

  “I will only be a few minutes.” Mária said and took the cart with food into the bedroom. Joe watched her disappear. He then stepped closer to the door to listen. Joe could hear Mária talking, but could not make out what she said. Only a few moments later, she reappeared in the hallway. Joe waited for her to close the door before he spoke.

  “That was quick, I expected you to be in there longer. It seemed you were always with me for a greater length of time.”

  “You are not good at taking hints.” Mária responded and walked away. Once she was gone Joe walked towards his office. On his way down stairs, he noticed Serenity. He had never spoken with anyone else in the family except Mária. He wasn
’t sure what to do. Once he got to the bottom of the stairs he paused and gave a slight head nod. To his surprise, she spoke.


  “Yes, Señora”

  “Fetch me the Butler.”

  Joe bowed his head and went in search for the Butler. On his way to his office, he found the Butler.

  “Señora Gonzalez is waiting for you in the main room.”

  “I will see to her right away.” The butler walked away and Joe couldn’t put his on finger on it, but he didn’t trust that guy. Something about that guy bothered him. Joe forgot about him and retreated back to his office.

  Chapter 12

  The next morning Joe stepped outside his room. He found Vance the butler waiting on him. “Did you need something?”

  “Yes, Hulo is waiting on the back porch. He would like to speak to you.” The butler said and disappeared into the house. Joe wondered what Hulo wanted. The last time the situation had left a lasting negative impression on Joe. He hoped this meeting would be different. Joe checked his office and found Carl already busy at work cooking breakfast. He also took notice that the maids were cleaning the front room. With everything seemingly in order, Joe walked to the back of the house. He found Hulo waiting for him on the porch.

  “Morning Hulo,”

  “I brought you boots so we could examine the fields.”

  “What about the shoes I’m wearing.”

  “Leave them on the porch. No one will bother them.”

  Joe didn’t argue, but instead changed into the boots and then gestured for Hulo to lead the way. Joe followed a few steps behind his old boss. The two walked in silence. He wondered what Hulo wanted. The two neared the servants building. Joe expected to have a meeting in the office, but Hulo continued walking. Eventually, they neared the fields. The workers had not made it to the fields. Hulo stopped by the fields and turned to look at them.

  Joe looked at them and waited. Hulo took a deep breath.