The Dreamer Page 5
“How are you since Hector’s death?”
“I had no idea he would be executed publicly. I worked side by side with him day after day. He watched out for me and showed me around, but even if he had been one of the other workers, I’m not sure it would have been any less excruciating. I know I’m the foreigner here, but it seemed unnecessary.”
“The family is superstitious. I told Mária I wanted you to inspect the fields to make sure the coca plant was healthy.”
“So, what is the real reason I’m here.”
“I have worked for this family for the past twenty years. I have seen many things. No one has ever been promoted from the fields to chief of house staff.”
Joe looked out at the coca plant. He had been promoted to head of staff, which he knew was a big ordeal, but to him finishing college and living a normal life would have been preferable.
“Do you know why I got the unusual promotion?”
“I can only guess. I heard about your dream when you were captured. This is a superstitious family, but that in itself is not enough. I think Mária had something to do with it, but that is only speculation.”
“I have trouble reading her. Sometimes I think she enjoys my company, and sometimes I think I’m a nuisance.”
“Remember her position. She has to be careful.”
“What do you think Mária wants?”
“To marry you,”
“Why though. I guess that part I don’t understand. She is gorgeous woman, but we come from different backgrounds and I’m not sure I could ever fit into her lifestyle here.”
“She may not want to stay here either. Marrying her might not be a prison to stay here, but I do not know anything for sure. The real reason I called you to inspect the fields was to warn you.”
“Warn me against what?”
“No one has ever moved positions fast. Not everyone will be happy about your being in charge. Watch your back and be delicate around Mária. She might have your best interests, but that doesn’t mean someone else won’t turn it against you.”
“Hulo, can I ask you something?”
Hulo looked at Joe and gestured for him to continue.
“Why are you helping me?”
“The family has never kept someone that has been kidnapped. The ransom has always been paid except one. One person got killed, and after that everyone paid. Rumor has it your friend’s parents offered to pay for your release.”
“How do you know that?” Joe said cutting him off.
“I knew that before you came to work in the fields. I must admit, I was confused by the family’s decision. It is a superstitious family. I think they are waiting to see if you have any more dreams. I don’t understand why you had the dream you had, but I think the family is playing with fire by keeping you here. Be careful Joe. We have been gone long enough. I best get you back to the house. I’m sure it goes without saying that this conversation never happened.”
Joe shook his head yes and they walked back to the house. Once on the back porch, Joe shed his boots and returned to his office. He was about to sit down when Carl called for him.
“Yes, Carl,”
“Mária is waiting for you by the room. Make haste!”
Joe hurried out of the kitchen and upstairs to find Mária waiting by the door.
“I thought I might have to find a new body guard. How did the crops look? Hulo seemed genuinely concerned when he asked for your opinion. I’m a little surprised a political science major would know so much about farming.”
“I have never claimed to be an expert about anything, but I gave Hulo my best opinion. They crops look as healthy as they have in past months, but I think there is nothing to worry about and that he is being overly cautious.”
“This will be the last morning I need your protection. His family has agreed to pay the ransom and he will be flown home today.”
Joe wondered how much Mária would tell him. He had always been curious about the kidnappings. “There is something I have never understood, and if I’m overstepping my station by asking this question then I apologize.” Joe paused to gauge her reaction. He inferred that he had permission to continue. “Why kidnap people? What started this?”
Mária looked at him but kept silent for a moment. Joe could tell she was gathering her thoughts before speaking.
“There is the obvious reason. It is quick way to make money, but that is not how it started. My family makes enough money from the crops. It has more to do with how much money we lose.”
“I don’t understand. How do you lose money?”
“As I’m sure you’re aware, cocaine is not legal in the United States. Sometimes our shipments get caught and destroyed. For every shipment my family loses we take it back in ransom money.”
“Can I assume you lost two shipments when my roommate and I were kidnapped?”
“Not exactly, the plan had been to kidnap your roommate, but in the confusion of the job they were not sure which one was which. It happened to be a complication that no one had thought about. We should not talk about this again. I have told you all you need to know, please don’t bring it up again.”
Almost on cue the butler began walking down the hallway towards them with the cart of food. He left the cart and retreated to another part of the house. Once he was gone, Mária took the cart and entered the room. Joe stood guard and assumed a position close to the door. He tried to listen, but could not make out anything that Mária said. Moments later she reappeared, gave a head nod to Joe and disappeared. Joe walked back to his office and to his surprise Señorá Gonzalez stood at the bottom of the stairs the same as the day before. He walked down the stairs and gave a slight head bow. She didn’t speak, so he continued to his office.
Chapter 13
Mária checked her make-up in the mirror. Last night she had been cornered into a morning brunch with her step-mother. The latest kidnap victim had left the mansion late in the evening. With no other pressing family business, there was no way for Mária to avoid this meeting. She knew it was useless to avoid her stepmother any longer. She left her room and walked to the back porch. She found her step mother already sitting by the patio table looking out towards the yard. She noticed the butler standing at attention a few feet away. As she approached the door, he moved to open the door for her. She walked to the table but before she could sit down her step mother she stood and embraced Mária.
“I’m glad we can finally have this time together. Life has been so hectic recently.” The two women sat and Serenity motioned for Butler. He poured wine for both of them.
“I have been talking to your father. I think you are doing an excellent running the house affairs, but I told him that you are a young beautiful woman, and he cannot expect to keep you here. It is time for you to began looking for serious suitors.”
“Marriage, I have not thought about marriage for a while. I’m not quite ready for those responsibilities.”
“Maybe not, but your father has agreed that I should take over the house hold duties. I would like you to tell the head of the house that I will be his contact person from this point forward.”
“What duties would I have?”
“None except for looking after yourself. Increase your learning, and began thinking about who you might want to marry.”
Mária felt lost. Her whole life since her mother’s death two years ago had been looking after the house and the family.
“If you will find the head servant, I would like to talk to him.”
Mária got up from the table and walked into the house and though she had only been in the kitchen a few times she knew exactly where the head servant office was. She saw Joe sitting at his tiny desk, but instead of calling to him she quickly squeezed herself in close to him. She could see the surprise on his face.
“I only have a minute, so don’t talk. I have been relieved of my duties as liaison between the house and the servants. You now report to my stepmother. Be careful.” You are to meet her out
on the porch right now. Don’t delay…be on your guard. Mária said and squeezed his hand before leaving his small office in haste. Joe didn’t know what to make out of all that. He closed his computer and hurried to the back porch.
Joe noticed upon his arrival a smirk on the butler’s lips.
“Ah, good head servant you are here. This porch is filthy as soon as we are done here send some servants out here to scrub this area clean. Mária is a sweet girl, but there are details that she has missed. Later today, I will be inspecting the servants’ quarters. Please ensure that everything is in place, and that everyone is prepared for the inspection.”
“Will there be anything else Señorá?”
“No, you are dismissed.”
Joe gave a head nod and returned to the house. He walked straight to the main room where he found two of the maids dusting the furniture. They stopped when he approached. Joe walked close and kept his voice down. “Señora González is now in charge instead of Mária. We are having a surprise inspection today in the servants’ quarters. I need one of you to stay here and the other person to go back to the servant quarters and start cleaning. I know you ladies have your routine, but time is short so anything you don’t absolutely have to do leave till after the inspection.”
Joe could see the alarm in their eyes, but he didn’t try to ease their fears. A bit of fear at this point would be good. Joe walked back to the kitchen to find Carl and the few wait staff enjoying a causal breakfast.
“Anything wrong boss?” Carl asked
“Yes, I hate to cut breakfast short, but we have an issue. Mária is no longer in charge of the house…Señorá González is. There is an inspection of the servant quarters in a few hours. I need everyone available to go back and help the maids make everything look perfect for the inspection. Joe sensed their fear. The three-wait staff did not finish eating. They left their food where it sat and left to go straight to the quarters. Carl stayed behind.
“You remember that someone has to stay in the kitchen incase the family desires something.”
“Yes, I remember. I have other issues to deal with at the moment, but when I get free, I’ll relieve you so can attend to your quarters.”
Carl grabbed Joe’s arm and pulled him close before he had a chance to react. “I don’t trust her, you be careful. I don’t know what she is up to, but you be careful.” Joe walked out of the kitchen and to the front door. He opened the front door and found the head of security sitting on the front porch with his automatic weapon lying next to him.
“Everything ok Joe?”
“No, Mária is no longer in charge of the house, and there is a surprise inspection today in the servants’ quarters. I need you to wake and rotate your men back to that area to help with the cleaning. We only have a few hours, anyone one you can spare for as long as you can spare them.”
“No problem, the head of security said and picked up his radio and began barking orders at the other security personnel. Joe stepped back inside. He took a deep breath, and walked to the back porch where he found the butler and Señorá. Joe walked boldly outside and waited patiently for her to acknowledge his presences. When she did, Joe spoke as succulently as possible.
“With the upcoming inspection this afternoon, I could use the assistance of the butler if you could spare him.”
“Thank you, Señorá,”
Joe walked to the front room where he had left the one maid. Once in the room, Joe turned to address the butler. “I need you to help with cleaning in the room, and then I need you make sure your quarters are in top shape and then help anywhere that is needed.”
“I’m the butler, those jobs are for the maids--that is below my station.”
“I’m your boss and you will do as I say or I’ll report you as disobedient to the head of household. Are we clear?”
“Certainly,” The butler replied. Joe could see his lip curl and the anger behind his eyes. Joe had to be careful around this guy and watch his back in the future. Joe left the maid and the butler to clean and he returned to the kitchen. Joe found Carl cleaning when he arrived.
“Carl, I need to do a few things in my room and check on the workers, and I’ll come relieve you soon.”
Joe retuned to servant’s quarters. He saw no one in the hallway, and no open doors. He started knocking on all the doors and calling for everyone out into the hallway. One by one everyone emerged and stood in the hallway. Once he had their attention he began.
“This is not a time for a break or dawdling in your room. It is imperative that we pass this inspection with perfection. The first thing I need all of you to do is to prop the doors to your room open. Do that now and return to the hallway for further instruction.” Joe waited as it took several minutes for everyone to find something to properly hinge the doors open.
“Now I think all of you know our head maid. This is how this is going to work. Your room is to pass her inspection before you are done. Once your room passes inspection then you are to move to another room and help who ever needs help. This may be out of your normal duties, but today for the next few hours we are all responsible for the outcome of this inspection. If anyone fails this inspection, I’ll hold everyone responsible. The head maid will start by going through all the rooms and giving pointers on what needs to be worked on and improved. No one is to give her a difficult time. Then you are to correct everything she tells you is wrong, and a little later she will inspect again to assure that everything is in order, and to evaluate to see if there is anything that she has missed. She will start with my room. Your doors are to stay open until the inspection is passed. As the other guards’ filter in please inform them of what is taking place the same with any staff not already here. I want these quarters cleaner than they have ever been. Dismissed.” Joe exclaimed.
Everyone began to filter into their rooms while Joe kept his eye trained on the head maid. She walked sheepishly into his room. He followed her. She walked to his bathroom he followed her in and spoke while she looked around.
“I need you to tell me everything you think needs done, and I need you to not hold back and when you leave my room, I expect you to be bold with the other servants. If you see something wrong tell them so. Now what do you see wrong in here.
“Water deposits on the shower. You need to check on top of your medicine for dust. In the past when there has been an inspection they have found dust in places where you can’t see from the ground. Make sure you take the vents from the air conditioning and clean them and take a rag and get any cobwebs out of the hole.”
“You mean the duct?”
“What else?”
"Check under the bed for any dust bunnies. Remember nothing is off limits. Make sure everything in your drawers is neatly folded.” She then walked over to the closet and opened it. “Oh, this simply won’t do.”
“What is wrong with my closet?”
“You have to have all your pants together, all your shirts together, all your jackets together.”
“That’s easy enough. I’ll make the changes. Go and inspect the other rooms and don’t be afraid to tell the other servants what you find. If anyone does not do as you suggest come tell me immediately.”
The head maid hurried off as quickly as possible. Joe then scurried through his room and cleaned. The last thing he did was rearrange his closet and once that was done Joe walked back to his office. He found Carl sitting in his chair reading a book.
“My room is good. I have instructed the head maid to give direction to everyone. So please take any direction she gives you.”
“I’ve never seen you so stressed.”
“I’m being careful”
Carl gave Joe a lingering look before he spoke. “I’ll help where I can.”
“Thanks, Carl.”
Joe paced back and forth on the floor. Joe walked back out to the main room where he found the maid working and the butler standing. Joe’s angered flared. He stood in front
of the butler, and lowered his voice. “You will help the maid clean or you will find yourself back in the fields by the end of the day. Do we understand each other.”
Joe walked back to the kitchen and paced more. The kitchen phone rang, and Joe answered.
“Carl bring whisky to the rear porch.”
The phone went dead before he had a chance to respond. Joe grabbed a serving tray a glass, ice and the whisky. Joe opened the screen door to the back door. He approached the lady of the house. “Would you like ice?”
She turned around surprised.
“Where is Carl or the butler? Why are you serving me?”
“I have them both busy preparing for your inspection.”
“You have one hour to finish before my inspection. Leave the tray and the whisky.”
Joe placed the tray on the table and hurried back to the servant’s quarters. He entered the hallway and no one was present. Joe raised his voice.
“I need everyone out here immediately.”
The people filtered out of their rooms. They all looked at Joe.
“One hour before the inspection. I need everyone to pick up the pace.” Everyone back to it unless you have an issue, then come see me.”
Everyone filtered back into their rooms and Joe went in search for the head maid. “How is everything going? Is everyone being complicit?”
“Surprisingly yes.”
Joe walked back through the house. His tension rising with every passing moment. He eventually walked back to his office, and sat at his desk and tried to calm his nerves. The next forty-five minutes passed slowly. Then Joe stood and walked back to the servant quarters.
“I need everyone out in the hallway.” Once everyone was in the hallway he continued.
“Everyone that is not needed somewhere else mainly our security detail, please stand outside your door while I retrieve Señorá González”
Joe walked back to the porch to find her still sitting in the same spot. He walked out to her and waited for her to acknowledge him before speaking.
“The servant quarters are ready for your inspection.”