The Dreamer Read online

Page 6

  Señorá González sat her glass down on the table and walked to the entrance of the house. She paused. It took Joe a moment to realize why she was waiting. Then he hurried to open the door for her. She walked toward the servant quarters, and Joe stayed right behind her to be prepared to open the next door. She stopped at the servants’ quarters entrance and Joe opened the door for her. She entered the room and stood in the hallway and stopped. Joe followed behind her, but for another moment did not realize what she expected.

  “The lady of the house has come to do an inspection.” Joe said not sure if that was what she wanted, but to his relief she began walking the hallway. She walked to the end of the hall and walked into the head maid’s room.

  She walked casually through the room. She stopped by the closet and opened the door. She thumbed through the clothes and then turned and left the room. She then walked the length of the hall looking by each room as she passed them but she did not enter a single room. She stopped at Joe’s room and then stepped inside.

  Once at his bed, she grabbed the edge of the comforter and flung it upwards leaving the bed in a mess. Next, she walked to the closet. She opened the door and thumbed through his clothes. She left the door open and walked to the bathroom. She didn’t touch anything, she only casually looked at everything. She then walked out of his room, and into the hallway. Joe sprung around her to the front and opened her door. She exited and without turning around to talk to Joe directly.

  “Inspection passed,”

  Joe felt a wave of elation run through him. He did an about face and entered the servants’ quarters to find everyone still standing at attention.

  “Thank all of you for your tremendous effort today.” You can return to your normal duties.” Joe then retreated back to his office and poured himself a drink. A few moments later Carl stood inside his doorway.”

  “Like I said, you had nothing to worry about. She barley looked at anything.”

  “But, I had no way of knowing that.”

  “Everyone standing at attention, I’m sure that made a lasting impression.”

  Chapter 14

  The next day Joe sat in his office going over his supply orders. Since he had taken over he had begun to track the items sold and used. He had been able to reduce orders and save waste by not over buying. To his surprise, the butler showed up at his door.

  “Señoritá Mária is expecting you and Carl in the front room.” Joe acknowledge his message and closed down his computer and walked to the front room. He arrived to find Mária standing there alone.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Joe asked.

  “You and Carl are to accompany me to the wishing well.”

  “The wishing well, yes and don’t worry, the butler is in charge while you are gone. You and Carl will ride in the vehicle behind me. Come along, Carl is already waiting for us.” Joe wasn’t sure what to expect. He followed Mária outside. One of the guards opened the door for her and Joe preceded to the rear guard. When he climbed in the backseat Carl gave him a wink. Joe wanted to ask what this was all about, but he didn’t dare strike up a conversation with the guard in the front of the vehicle. The car ride proved to be a short trip part way into the mountains. When the vehicles stopped, everyone exited, and Joe felt apprehensive. Carl went to the trunk and pulled out two large baskets. He then began walking down a path with Mária close behind. She turned to look at Joe and he took his cue and followed them. He saw the guards fall in behind them. Not more than twenty paces into the woods they came to a large arch with a door. Carl stepped to the side and Mária used a key to open the door. Carl and Joe followed Mária, but Joe was surprised that the guards stopped at the door. The two of them walked for another ten minutes before coming to a large clearing.

  Joe was astonished to see several picnic tables with sheds built over them. Then at the edge of the clearing is what looked like a well. Carl sat the baskets down on one of the tables and Mária took a slow walk around the perimeter of the area.

  “Why didn’t you tell me we were coming here today?” Joe said in a whisper.

  “You were so stressed out by the cleaning, I didn’t want to make it any worse with this excursion. Besides this should be a relaxing day.”

  “I’m still confused why we are here. Mária is by the well. There are no guards around, go talk to her.”

  Joe didn’t know what to expect, but he took Carl’s advice and walked over to where Mária stood.

  “Do you have wishing wells in the states?”

  “Yes, but they are not as secluded as this one. Why are we here?”

  Mária glanced at Joe and he could tell she was suppressing a smile. “Now that I’m no longer running the house, I’m free to get married.”

  “Married?” Joe said in a nervous voice.

  “Yes, all the wealthy girls in the area come to this place to wish for a husband. Many girls come more than once, because it’s suppose to be good luck. This is my first time here.”

  “Why are Carl and I here? That part I don’t understand.”

  “As a bride to be, I’m allowed to bring anyone I want. It is customary to bring at least one member of the staff. Someone has to bring the food.” Joe looked over at Carl who at the moment was setting up a nice picnic lunch. Then he turned his attention back to Mária. “That explains why he’s here, but not me.”

  “I’m allowed to bring anyone I want, besides I enjoy your company. Now that I’m no longer in charge of the house, it’s not appropriate for me to speak with you on a normal basis.”

  “Will you have an arranged marriage?”

  “Not if I don’t want to. I’m allowed to marry who I want, within reason. I have to marry someone with some type of stature.”

  “Marrying a servant then is out of the question?” Joe inquired.”

  “Not out of the question completely. The servant would have to show promise. Have skills and abilities that would help them succeed. It would have to be a person who could be more than a servant.”

  “You’re a beautiful woman, I’m sure you could marry anyone you wanted.”

  “Perhaps, but not every man has the qualities I want.”

  “You guys ready to eat?” Carl called to them. Joe was thankful for the distraction. But before he realized, Mária grabbed his hand and pulled Joe over to the well in the center of the clearing. She pulled a coin out of her purese and threw it into the well. She let go of Joe’s hand and walked to the table. Carl had a spread of bread, meats and cheeses.

  “You kids hungry?”

  Mária took charge. “Joe, would you like turkey, ham or both.”

  “Both, Can I ask you something?”

  “Why doesn’t you family eat more burritos or more Peruvian food?”

  “Being from a wealthy family has it privileges. As I’m sure you have noticed, the servants eat well. They eat better than the average person in this country.”

  “You say that like it is a good thing to be a servant.”

  “You disagree?”

  Joe smiled sheepishly, not sure whether he should continue.

  “You can speak freely. I won’t judge you.”

  “You make it sound like being a servant is a good job.”

  “I know you have never been to a city in Peru, but much of the citys are modern, but out here in the mountains, there is still much superstitions and most people are poor. A servant at our house has food and a place to sleep, and the work is not overbearing.”

  “What are your plans, do you expect to run your father’s business one day?”

  “No of course not, one of my brothers will be in charge of the family business, and I’ll always have a place to stay and have a comfortable life, or I can marry into another wealthy family, or I have the option of living abroad.”

  “Even when I become married, I’ll having a living allowance from the family.” Mária sat a sandwich in front of Joe and he began eating. Then he noticed that Carl had walked to the edge of the clearing. “Why is Carl n
ot eating with us?”

  “I asked him to keep his distance so we could talk.”

  “Right, I suppose we need to talk. You do realize, I was in my final year of college when I got kidnapped. I miss my life. Being head servant is great compared to working in the fields, but it’s not what I want.”

  “I doubt you will ever get your life back, but it is possible to move past head servant.”

  “I could marry you? Is that what you mean?”

  “Do you not find me attractive?”

  “You’re a beautiful young woman.”

  “I sensed that you like spending time with me?”

  “You have been like a glass of cold water in the desert for me since I’ve been here. You made me feel comfortable when I first arrived and you have protected me from the moment I became the head servant. I deeply appreciate all you have done.”

  “Can you see yourself being married to me?”

  “The problem is not you. The problem is me, I would have to give up my life and all that I am. That is a hard thing to do. I still have hope of one day returning to the states.”

  Mária took Joe’s hand and squeezed it, and then gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Life sometimes takes odd turns. I should have been married a couple of years ago, but when my mother died suddenly then the house responsibilities fell to me. Had my mother not died, I would have been married before I met you. I don’t understand it or know why, but I feel that we are meant to be together. I know it must be difficult being pulled from your former life, but a life with me would be fantastic.”

  “What would I do? Would I have to become a drug lord?”

  “No, of course not. Chances are we would not move back to the states, but we could live somewhere besides Peru. Somewhere in Europe or somewhere else. You could do whatever you like to do.”

  “I could do politics?”

  “That might be problematic, but I’m sure you have other interests besides politics. At least consider my proposal.”

  “I’ll give it some thought.”

  “There will be another party in a few days. I doubt my step mother has mentioned it. There is a list of everything needed on your computer. Unlike the last dinner party where only one family was present. There will be no less than 10 wealthy families present.”

  “I’m guessing close to a hundred guests then.”

  “This party is a big deal, and there will be possible suitors there trying to win my approval.”

  “Does that mean you need my answer before then.”

  “No, not before, but I’ll need an answer shortly after that party. My father will expect me to make a decision, and if not, I’ll go abroad for a time. Enough about what I have to do. Tell me about you.”

  “What would you like to know?”

  “Did you have a girl friend back home?”

  “No, it had been a few months since I had a girl friend.”

  “You don’t have to lie to spare my feelings.”

  “No, no girlfriend. My roommate on the other hand was practically married. I was serious about my degree and then going to law school afterwards.”

  “You could still practice law, in fact, that would make my father proud. That would be a great thing for you to do.” Mária said and kissed Joe on the cheek. She put her arm in his arm and pulled in close.” Joe felt comforted by her touch, but unease by her advance.

  “Can I ask you something?”


  “Am I to assume we are still not allowed to talk as we once did?”

  “Good question, Unfortunately, you are correct we cannot talk like we once did. Not until I make my intentions known, after that you will be removed from your position and the wedding will be a week or two later. After the honeymoon, we will be free to move to another country and begin our own lives.”

  “Any country but the US?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry but that life is over. There is nothing I can do about that, but I can give you a great life. There might be a possibility of going back to the United States, but it would not be probable.”

  “I believe you and it would be an honor to be married to you. I accept your hand in marriage.

  Mária didn’t hesitate but reached over and kissed Joe on the lips. She then grabbed his hand and led him back to the well. She pulled a coin out of her purse and threw it in the well.

  “More superstition?”

  “Good luck, is all. Come Carl you can join us?” Mária shouted in Carl’s direction. Carl walked over to the table and made himself a sandwich. He sat down with Joe and Mária.

  “Did the chump finally come to his senses?”

  “Yes, he did?” Mária replied grabbing onto his arm.

  “You were in on this?” Joe asked.

  “I’m not as blind as you are, besides I was on guard when you first arrived here, so I had an advantage. The only thing that surprised me was that she left you in the fields for three months.”

  “There was nothing I could do about that, my father insisted you stay in the fields to learn your place.”

  “Are you the reason my ransom got denied?”

  “No, Joe I had nothing to do with that. Your fate was sealed the moment you had that dream that saved everyone’s life. My father had no intention of letting you go?” I didn’t want to tell you before you agreed to marry me.”

  “Had you ever had dreams like that before?” Carl asked.

  “Never, had a dream that came true like that one.”

  “Have you had any more dreams since being here?” Mária asked.

  “No,” Joe replied giving the best lie he could. He had not made sense of the dream about Señorá González, it had not been as clear as the one in the cabin, and he wasn’t sure there was any merit to it.”

  “Are you sure? You look like you are thinking about something.”

  “Just trying to think of any time that has happened before, but I keep coming up blank.”

  “Now back to the rules. At the party, I’ll play my part and make the rounds. It’s important you not get jealous or show any emotion. Do your job at the party, and a week or so later, I’ll tell my father my intentions and your days of servitude will end.”

  “What about Carl?” Joe asked.

  “We can take him with us. I’m allowed a max of three servants.”

  “Then let’s take Carl with us.”

  “We should go. Mária said while standing. Carl took his cue and gathered the food. Joe wrapped up his half-eaten sandwich and handed it to Carl. Joe then followed Mária back to the wishing well.

  “One more wish,” she said while taking his hand. She threw in a coin and turned to face Joe. I would be happy to spend the rest of my life with you.” She drew Joe in and kissed him passionately. She looked in his eyes and smiled. Joe felt confused and not sure what do make of his emotions. He thought Mária was beautiful, but he was not drawn to her.

  The party of three hiked up the trial and back to the vehicles. They returned to the home, and the divide between them resumed.

  Chapter 15

  Three days later the party began. Joe stood in the hallway with the assembled staff.

  “In the short time, I’ve been in charge, you the staff has provided excellence service. I expect nothing less than the best tonight. We have nine other families that have agreed to attend the party. I trust everyone of you will treat them with respect and dignity. Let us make this a glorious night with no complaints that might reflect negativity on us.”

  Joe then opened the door and the staff flowed out to their respective positions. Joe then walked to the front door so he could greet the guests as they entered. Mária soon arrived to stand near him but she did not acknowledge his presence. Joe still hadn’t sorted out his feelings for her as of yet, not that it mattered. He figured he would be able to love her given time.

  The guests began arriving and Joe welcomed them to the home, but as he expected most of them ignored him and spoke only with Mária. A few of the girls made eye con
tact with him, but nothing more.

  Joe had wondered if he would overcome his servant situation. Now he had to stay on course for another week and everything would change. The guests scattered throughout to the different areas of the house. He knew that many of the guests would be in the library or the entertainment room. He pursued the rooms and to his delight, the guests were enjoying themselves. Throughout the night, he kept a watchful eye on Mária and noticed that the men spent considerable time talking and flirting with her. It seemed to Joe that she led them on a little, but he guessed it was part of the good show. Being there was no table large enough to serve all the guests at once, the meal that Carl had prepared consisted more of hors d’oeuvres and finger foods, unfortunately everyone was left to drink more than normal. Joe hoped the evening would not get violent. Joe then caught sight of a suitor in a suit and blue tie approach Mária for what have been the fifth time that evening. Joe stared at the two intently when he felt like someone was watching him. He turned his gaze slowly and locked eyes the woman of the house. He didn’t know what she was thinking, but he knew he had been caught staring at Mária, but before he could think about that there was an interruption to the party.

  “Could I please have everyone’s attention. Please, please everyone.” The room grew quiet and Joe felt apprehension growing inside him. The same man that had been to see her so many times tonight was asking for silence. Once the room was quiet, he began again.

  “I have an important question, and I would like everyone to hear the answer.”

  “Mária González will you marry me?” the man said while going down on one knee. Joe felt his stomach clench, and then weakness at his knees. He knew under the pressure of the guests, she would be compelled to say yes. His days as a servant would continue forever.

  “Señor, I applaud your courage by asking for my hand in marriage, but we have only met tonight, and I cannot make such a big decision on such short notice. I will consider your proposal and give you an answer when I have had proper time to consider it.” Joe couldn’t breathe, he felt as though his world had stopped. The room stood deathly quiet, even after Mária’s declaration. Joe sensed she had crossed an invisible line, but she didn’t miss a beat. “May I have this dance Señor?”