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The Dreamer Page 7
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Page 7
He bowed his head and the two danced together while the rest of the guests watched. When the song finished, other couples began to dance and the focus no longer resided on Mária. Joe watched Mária excuse herself and walk towards her room. He wanted to go after her and check on her, but he had to remember his place. He circled the crowd and then ducked into the kitchen.
“I need a stiff drink.” He said to Carl when he walked in.
“I heard about the proposal, but don’t worry-- you have nothing to fear.”
“I’m not up to speed on the Peruvian dating scene.”
“This guy is trying to mark his territory. Trust me he knows it won’t be a yes, she has already turned him down in a polite way.” Carl said as he poured Joe a shot of scotch.
Joe downed it and then coughed. “You know most people sip that.”
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind next time.”
“I’m a bit surprised by your reaction. You really don’t seem that into her.”
“It’s not that I’m not attracted to her, it is just that” Joe said and paused. “Since the incident in the yard, I’m scared to look at any women here.”
“I guess I get that, but for whatever reason she is smitten with you. In a few short weeks, your days of servitude will be over.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“Don’t let tonight bother you. Get out there and see to the guests and everything will be fine.”
Joe took his advice and returned to the party. He tried to keep himself busy checking the food, but he kept an eye on Mária. He felt a pang of jealously sweep through him.
Chapter 16
Two weeks later Joe entered his office, and Carl came and stood by his door. “Any word on when your last day will be. I haven’t heard anything. I’ve gotten a few winks from Mária but that’s been it.”
“My guess is it will happen when the family returns.”
“Sounds reasonable…Is it customary for a member of the family to stay behind?”
“No, there are times when the entire family will leave. They have you to run the house in their absence. I also find it odd Mrs. Gonzalez didn’t go. It’s not like her to not be by her husband’s side.”
“This afternoon she wants everyone outside spending two hours doing yard work. She believes the sunlight will do the indoor staff good.”
“Yes, I can’t wait,” Carl replied with as much sarcasm as he could muster. “Will you be joining us for the outdoor activities?”
“Nope, my place will be in the house in case the house needs me?”
“Probably standard procedure anyway. It seems there is always one or two people that stay inside.”
The phone on Joe’s desk began to ring. Carl stepped away from the door and Joe promptly answered. He picked up the phone and after saying yes a few times, hung up the phone. Joe stepped out to the kitchen.
“I need chicken noodle soup for the lady of the house. She is feeling under the weather today.”
“I assume the butler will be taking her the soup. No, it seems, he is tied up with another project of hers, so I get the honor.”
“Give me five minutes or so and I’ll see what I can do.” Joe sat back down in his office and let his thoughts drift to what it would be like to have a taste of freedom. He wondered about his parents and his college friends. The fun they would be having in school. Playing basketball a few days a week. He missed the entire football season, and what about Chloe, he had only met her, but who knows what might have happened. I guess it didn’t matter, his life had changed and it wasn’t ever going back.
“Soups ready,” Carl yelled and Joe pulled himself back to the presence. He took a cart with the soup beverages and crackers out the kitchen and to the elevator. Once on the second floor he wheeled the cart down to the master suite. It occurred to Joe that he had never been in the master bedroom and for a moment a slight fear crept over him. Joe knocked lightly on the door. He waited and then he heard a faint invitation to enter. Joe opened the door cautiously not knowing what to expect. When Joe opened the door, the enormity of the room reminded him of his parent’s house. He entered a large living room with a kitchen and study to the side. He could not see a bedroom, but he knew there must be one there. He found Mrs. González sitting at the bar in the kitchen. He wheeled the cart over to her and placed her soup before her, along with crackers and a spoon. He saw that she had a drink so he didn’t offer her one. She didn’t smile, but picked up her spoon and began eating. Joe wasn’t sure what he should do so he asked.
“Would there be anything else?”
“Yes, you can wait by the door till I’m done and then return the dish to the kitchen.” Joe walked toward the door. He did his best not to show any emotion on his face. He stood at quiet attention while he waited for her to finish. He had expected her in a bath robe or maybe pajamas or some type of sick attire, but she had on heels, a dress and her make-up looked great. To Joe she didn’t look sick at all, but what did it matter to him. He watched her eat then he retreated the bowl, and returned to the kitchen with the cart.”
When Joe returned, he turned the cart back to Carl and took a walk through the house. No one seemed to be about. He guessed everyone was taking a break before the outside chores.
A few hours later, the staff filed outside to began their chores. Joe took a walk through the house. It seemed eerily quiet with the house so empty. Once Joe convinced himself that everything was acceptable, he returned to his office. Joe walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water
Joe wished he had a book to read. He missed being able to flex his mind. The phone rang in his office. He picked it up and listened as Señorá Gonzalez asked for a glass of wine. Joe grabbed a glass of wine and walked back to the bedroom. Joe knocked lightly on the door. He heard her give permission to enter. Joe entered the room expecting to see her sitting at the bar. He looked there first, but didn’t see her. He looked the other direction and saw her sitting on the couch. Joe noticed she had changed, and was wearing a short nighty exposing her legs. Joe walked over to her and handed her the wine.
“If there will be nothing else, I’ll be going.” Joe said hoping she desired nothing else.
“Have a seat on the couch servant. I have questions for you.”
Everything in Joe told him he should run, but instead he obeyed and sat on the couch.
“Were you a college student before coming here?”
“Do you have any idea what it is like to be married?”
“No, Señorá,”
“Sometimes I desire the strength of a younger man.” She said and ran a finger up her leg. Joe didn’t know what to say or do. She inched a bit closer to him on the couch. She leaned forward and Joe caught a good look down her shirt.
“Do you like what you see? Everyone is outside, no one would know?”
Joe stood up from the couch. “If there will be nothing else then I must be going.” Joe said.
“One more thing,” she said and as she stood up she took the straps of her nighty off her shoulders and it dropped to the floor. She lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Joe. “Don’t you want to see what this feels like.”
Joe wiggled free and fled the room as fast as he could. He ran back to his office his heart pounding. He didn’t know what to do. He wished Carl had been in the kitchen. Carl would know what to do. Joe paced back and forth. He told himself to calm down he did nothing wrong he had nothing to worry about.
Moments later the butler entered the room followed by two guards.
“There he is… escort him to his room.”
“What’s going on?” Joe said trying to sound confident.
“You know what you did.” The butler spat at him. “Señor González will deal with you the same way he dealt with Hector.
Joe felt his knees go weak. He had to steady himself against the table. The guards surrounded him. Joe managed to get control of his legs and walked to his room. The head guard s
tepped inside with Joe and shut the door.
“Tell me what happened?”
“Nothing happened.”
“That is not what the Butler says. He says you tried to rape the lady of the house.”
“That’s complete nonsense.”
“I believe you, but it won’t matter when Señor González arrives. He won’t take your word or mine over hers.”
“Does this mean I’ll be shot like Hector?”
“Yes, I’m afraid so.”